Here you can browse information about Trips, Ellen Sander's Classic Rock Readers and some of the books that anthologize, have substantial content about or interview Ellen Sander. Click the links FMI or to find a copy. For more, Google me or see my Google Books page for zillions of citations, quotes and arguably honorable mentions.

Trips: Rock Life in the Sixties, by Ellen Sander, Scribner's, 1973 1st Ed.
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Sisters of the Extreme

Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay (The Norton Anthology of Rock and Roll)
Ellen Sander's Classic Rock Readers

Trips is a memoir and recollection of rock and culture in the sixties. copiously illustrated. Hard Cover 1st Edition of Trips available used through out-of-print book services hosted by Amazon and other online booksellers. Condition varies. Currently a collector's item.
Women's Writings on The Drug Experience through history, including essays by Billie Holiday, Louisa May Alcott, Edith Piaf, Anita Hoffman, Diane diPrima, George Sand and Ellen Sander. The Norton Anthology of Rock Journalism with essays by critics, artists, journalists, producers, novelists, etc. Ellen Sander's Classic Rock Readers (Kindle editions) are collections of journalism written during and about rock's crowning era. You don't need a Kindle to read these books. You can get a free Kindle reader app for any computer, tablet or mobile device from the Amazon website.

Soul Picnic: The Music and Passion of Laura Nyro by Michele Kort

Follow the Music: The Life and High Times of Elektra Records in the Great Years of American Pop Culture

4 Way Street by David Zimmer

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Soul Picnic, the story of Laura Nyro, contains substantial commentary by Ellen Sander Follow the Music, the story of Jac Holzman and Electra Records, contains some commentary by and about Ellen Sander A collection of journalism on CSN&Y, individually and collectively, featuring such writers as Cameron Crowe, Ben Fong-Torres, Ellen Sander and David Crosby himself. An oral history of Woodstock from a 2009 perspective, compiled and annotated by the late Pete Fornatale, one of my favorite FM radio personalities. Much commentary by yours truly.
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by Ellen Sander