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Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Nazi Runs for Idaho Small Town Mayor
Amazing but true. The town of Hayden used to require 40 signatures to get on the ballot, but reduced it to 5 and the crackpots are coming out of the walls.
This, from Yahoo news service: Elderly Neo-Nazi Makes Last Stand in U.S. Town Tue Oct 28, 2:39 PM ET By Martin Johncox BOISE, Idaho (Reuters) - At age 85, white supremacist Richard Butler is making what might be one last stand -- he is running for mayor of Hayden, the 9,000-population town where he has long been a flashpoint of controversy. No resemblence to the recall-election of the new governor of California, where celebrity, Republican money and (why has no-one mentioned this) being a Kennedy by injection achieved a bizzare victory for the Terminator, now governor of the oddball state.
Friday, October 24, 2003
Family sick of living on Butt Hole Road
In planetary contemplation of Uranus, Brits finally fed up with innuendo. This from
A South Yorkshire family have moved home because they are fed up with their address - Butt Hole Road. Er, did they not anticipate this before they moved there?
Monday, October 20, 2003
No Joy in Mudville but Big Apple Puts the Bite On
OK, so the Cubbies didn't come through. Well, you have to admit, they didn't break a near perfect record. So it's the Yanks and the Marlins. Go Yankees, my original home team. That Matsui is something else. And it's thanks to him that I get to see the World Series from Beijing! The Japanese station here, natch, broadcasts his games. I don't care that the play-by-play is all in Japanese, who needs it --- my beloved spouse is a live-in baseballaratus. Don't some girls get all the luck.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
China in Outer Space
Cynacism and sarcasm aside (no, really) I congratulate the great nation of China and her 1.28 billion citizens on the successful flight of Shenzhou V, which concluded with great celebration today. The Dragon has joined the Bear and the Eagle in the heavens. May the stars in these constellations burn together and burn bright as the wings of the 21st Century turn the unknown into treasure.
Once the world is seen from outside, I've always believed, there is no escaping the wholistic entirety of life. The reason I've turned into such a pain in the butt is that all evidence defies that notion. Mahathir: Jews rule the world
Thursday, October 16, 2003 Posted: 0832 GMT ( 4:32 PM HKT)
And the crackpot of the day prize goes to... PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia (CNN) -- Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has urged Muslims to unite against Jews who, he says, rule the world by "proxy." the story goes on to say: Mahathir called on Muslims to emulate the Jewish response to oppression, arguing the Jewish people had "survived 2,000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking."Yeah, well I'd be amused to see some evidence of these alleged brains. For as long as CNN leaves the link live, the rest of this screed is here
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Go, Cubbies
I "hope and believe," as the Republicans said on election night Y2K, that this is your year, Chicago.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Patriot Act Nailed by "Spare Change" writer
Of all the crackpot policies implemented in the post 9-11 era of paranoia and security retrofits, the USA Patriot Act is probably the most draconian. And maybe the most irreversable, as the selective encroachment on constitutional rights is legitimized on the backs of shocked, grieving, angry Americans. Americans can take it though, it only coalesces the dissent and outrage. And brings the crackpots out of the woodwork.
Bob Dole, there's a crackpot for ya, used to say "where's the outrage?" (And then he went and made a TV commercial for Viagra, after he lost the election.) September 08, 2003 Spare Change is a "Street" Newspaper, one distributed by homeless and low income people. Alternet syndicates these "street papers" which are often an amazingly entertaining and enlightening read. Articles typically focus on poverty, homelessness and the perspective of those abandoned by the world's richest nation. Holly Hand, who doesn't seem that disadvantaged from the description of her home, lands a good shot in this article.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
And the Weiner Is...
Pass the envelope, please. Governor Davis has been recalled from office in an historic election. The new Governor of California is now the terminator himself, Arnold Schwartzenegger. True to form, the crackpot state has implemented voodoo politics in the most socially significant statement since the anti-war movement woke up last year. One wag called it the "off with your head" attitude many Americans are expressing in the wake of the revelations about the reasons for invading Iraq.
When I lived in Venice, where Arnold and Maria own a major gym, a restaurant and several business properties, I used to see Arnold tooling around in his Hum-V and once I saw both of them with their young daughters when I had brunch in the restaurant, Shatzi, that they own. In the loo at Shatzi, you'd hear taped Austrian language lessons as you tinkled. Fasten your seatbelts and keep your hands and arms inside the car as we enter a year of a wild political ride. And as for Arnold, as a friend and Californian expressed to me today, "What's the difference, one clown or another?" I guess we're about to find out.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Limbaugh Wins A Crackpot Chronicles Lifetime Achievement Award
Well if you ever listened to Limbaugh, you had to he on drugs? I mean he was more incoherent than the Wolfman! Busted, Rush!
I really like these last two paragraph's of Bill Berkowitz's article on WorkingFor, which I purloined from Alternet. I'm not a certified television gas bag, but I'm expecting the following things to happen: Regarding his racist comments, Limbaugh will claim he was only exercising his First Amendment rights and he will use his radio pulpit to launch a crusade around free speech issues; right-wing Republicans will close ranks around Limbaugh, beginning with discrediting the messenger – the National Enquirer – and then claiming that Bill and Hillary Clinton are behind the revelations; and the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Dr. James Dobson and Pat Robertson will spring to Limbaugh's defense and offer 'round-the-clock prayers on his behalf.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
Sounds Like He Didn't Wait-Or maybe he just didn't inhale...Canadian PM Mulls Smoking Marijuana When He Retires Reuters Friday, October 3, 2003; 10:26 AM OTTAWA (Reuters) - Now Canada can understand why Prime Minister Jean Chretien seems to be in such a hurry to push through a law decriminalizing marijuana. Or maybe he won't pass until then. Canadian crackpots are the best. Cows and Politics
Some people, possibly for lack of anything else to say, persist in bloating bandwidth by broadcasting jokes and filling up their friends' email boxes. Most are pretty lame, but this I like.
Cows & Politics Explained For more like this, surf to Political Jokes. Just don't send them to me. "You will have good karma if you do not propagate chain letters."
Friday, October 03, 2003
Assume the Position, save your bluejeans
On a website for the unrepentant overendowed, an item from the advice column:
Dear Aunt Agony: For more on the joys of obesity, surf to Fat!So?. It's one of the hippier sites on the web, not to mention that they moon you good and proper when you arrive. Talk about in your face! I love it.
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Tears On My Pillow
Now Hear This:
WASHINGTON, DC—According to a Gallup public-opinion opinion poll released Monday, a solid 85 percent of the American people strongly believe that the American people no longer strongly believe that Bush is performing effectively as president. The Onion publishes satire that leans so far left, it's almost horizontal! If you're sick of the mainstream news, TV is depressing you and you're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, surf over to The Onion and wallow in your disaffection. |
Mainer, New Yawka, Beijinger, Californian, points between. News, views and ballyhoos that piqued my interest and caused me to sigh, cry, chuckle, groan or throw something.
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