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Kindle has become the most gifted item in Amazon's history. On Christmas Day 2009, for the first time ever, customers purchased more Kindle books than physical books.
A Good Read!![]() Click to read a sample ![]() Back To The Garden Good Deals! |
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Packing for Asia
Next time I'll log in from Bangkok and a week or two later from China.
In the meantime, all's well stateside, considering, we're surfing the trough. Frugality is the new wealth, and some of the stimulus money is beginning to have an effect. Obama just signed a $5.7 billion national service bill Tuesday that triples the size of the AmeriCorps (sort of a domestic Peace Corps) service program over the next eight years that helps students to earn money for college. Said the president, "What this legislation does ... is to help harness this patriotism and connect deeds to needs." A major investment in volunteer and grassroot works, a brilliant move. But he comes from that environment and knows what a good investment it is. As difficult as this huge economic speedbump has been, sometimes I can't believe our good fortune. This is one of them.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Way to go Navy Seals, for the rescue of cargo ship captain Richard Phillips from pirates off the Somali coast. A joyous Easter for his family and a WTG moment for us! They'll probably make a movie out of this one, so dramatic, dangerous and skillfully victorious.
Story here, but by the time you read this more details will be available, for sure. Since I've been microblogging, blogging has taken a back seat. Winter is too slowly surrendering to spring in these parts, so I'm planning an extended Asian journey which will take me from Bangkok to Beijing. Will report in, with pics, for sure. Happy Paschal holidays to everyone, which ever one(s) you celebrate. Certainly it is a time of liberation and resurrection.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
The Dollar from China: QuicksandBack in the early stages of the financial crisis, wags joked that our trade with China had turned out to be fair and balanced after all: They sold us poison toys and tainted seafood; we sold them fraudulent securities. Krugman in the Times That's the metaphor for this speed bump in the global economy. A tiger by the tail. One of Krugman's best. |
Mainer, New Yawka, Beijinger, Californian, points between. News, views and ballyhoos that piqued my interest and caused me to sigh, cry, chuckle, groan or throw something.
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